Cereal Seeds

Commitment to excellence in cereal seed production

Drummonds have been ‘growing for generations’ and are a leading player in the assembly and distribution of certified cereal seed in Ireland. 

Our commitment to excellence is verified by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and the Irish Seed Trade Association (ISTA), assuring customers of the highest quality seed.

Seed is produced by selected growers, who work in close collaboration with the Drummonds Agronomy team to produce top-quality certified seed. The fields are continuously inspected and rogued throughout the growing season by the growers, Drummonds agronomy team and DAFM officials.


Drummonds' Cereal Seeds

Winter Wheat

Winter wheat, a key crop in Ireland, is grown across approximately 60,000 ha annually. While yields depend on the growing season, Winter Wheat has the potential to be one of the most profitable crops grown. Drummonds supply the leading range of Winter Wheat varieties including Torp and Spearhead which are exclusively available from Drummonds as well as Graham and KWS Dawsum.

Spring Wheat

Grown across 6,000- 8,000 ha annually, Spring Wheat has established its adaptability and resilience, particularly in terms of disease tolerance and management. With a focus on healthy growth and high yields, Drummonds aims to ensure best performance on growers' fields by offering a range of proven varieties including KWS Helium, WPB Duncan and Fixum.

Winter Barley

Winter Barley is one of Ireland's most popular crops for cereal rotations. The early harvest provides an opportunity to establish subsequent crops in the rotation and the reliable market for barley straw offers farmers an additional revenue steam to increase the overall profitability of the crop. Drummonds varieties Molly and Bordeaux are high yielding with excellent grain quality.

Spring Barley

Spring barley, a cornerstone of Irish agriculture primarily due to its suitability for Ireland’s climate and soil types, is grown on approximately 120,000 ha annually. Drummonds have a range of recommended varieties available each offering unique characteristics in yield, disease resistance, and grain quality, there are options at Drummonds to suit all farming needs.


Oats favours the Irish climate, producing excellent grain quality and high yields. Oats are a robust crop capable of producing high yields in low soil fertility scenarios due to its Nitrogen scavenging ability. There is an increasing demand for food-grade oats, both domestically and internationally, reflecting the growing market interest. The weed suppressing ability of oats makes it the preferred choice for organic producers.

Hybrid Rye

Rye is a versatile, relatively low input cereal crop which is increasingly being grown for whole crop providing a useful second forage on livestock farms. Hybrid rye offers numerous benefits to arable rotations and is becoming a popular choice due to its flexible drilling dates and extensive rooting which reduces the reduces the need for nitrogen.