Research and Development farm

Testing over 150 cereal varieties each year

Drummonds are the only independent merchant in Ireland with their own dedicated trial site which is in County Louth. The trials are fully replicated and professionally managed and are used to test the complete range of commercially available cereal and oilseed varieties. We have over 150 varieties of cereals on trial each year. We use replicated plots to give us accurate results.

The information obtained from these plots are invaluable to our agronomists as it helps to identify different variety traits such as, straw height, straw strength and disease susceptibility. Armed with this information our team can confidently advise growers how to maximise yields from their crops.They also act to evaluate new lines of cereals and oilseeds submitted to us by EU plant breeders, their performance is evaluated prior to submission into the official Department of Agriculture testing programmes.

trial farm

Drummonds' Research

Close up of person holding wheat in hand

Cereal Variety Evaluation Programme

Drummonds collaborates with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) on variety trials for the Recommended (RL) and National (NL) lists, and European plant breeders to develop cereal and oilseed rape varieties that are suited to Irish conditions. They are evaluated for optimal performance under Irish conditions.

Annually, over 200 varieties are tested in replicated treated and untreated plots, to assess natural strengths and weaknesses. This enables Drummonds to compile valuable data and insights on varieties, which are used to provide advice for the best on-farm performance.

View of Drummond's agronomic trial farms

The Agronomic Trials Programme

The Agronomy Trials Programme plays a key role in supporting the Drummonds Agronomy Services. This programme thoroughly tests a wide range of agricultural products and practices before recommending them to farmers.

The results and data derived from the Agronomic Trials Programme are instrumental in shaping Drummonds’ Agronomy Services. By testing products and practices on our trial site, we can make results based recommendations to farmers, enhancing crop management and overall agricultural productivity.

Open Days

At various times during the season we hold Farm Walks/Technical Information Evenings to give our clients up to the minute information on issues relating to the various growing crops. Our agronomists together with relevant specialists will discuss key aspects of our research along with the cropping technologies which are delivering beneficial results for growers.