Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture services for enhanced farm efficiency

Precision Agriculture offers and opportunity to integrate all technological advances to improve farm profitability by reducing input costs and increasing input. At Drummonds, we offer a range of precision services designed to improved productivity, efficiency and ultimately profitability of the the tillage and grassland farms.

Drummonds offer a full range of services including precision soil sampling, nutrient mapping, Variable rate fertiliser and liming programming, yield mapping, soil moisture measuring and NDVI crop health imagery.


Drummonds' Precision Agriculture

Soil Sampling

Precision soil analysis is key to to understanding the nutrient availability in the soil. This analysis will ensure there is accurate placement of fertiliser, lime applications and micronutrients.

We offer both standard sampling and gps sampling, where all samples are mapped by GPS positioning which can then be used to create variable rate spreading programmes for fertiliser and lime, to efficiently target the correct applications.

Nutrient Mapping and Planning

Drummonds use automated GPS soil samplers for accurate soil sampling, gridding the farm into one hectare blocks with 24 samples taken per hectare to make up one sample.

This allows us to generate nutrient and ph maps for the whole farm down to one hectare grids, or smaller if required by the customer and to develop nutrient plans for the farm

Tractor spreading fertiliser in crop field

Variable Rate Programmes

Following a review of the soil test results and the development of the farm nutrient plan, our precision agronomy team can develop a full range of variable rate fertiliser and lime application programmes to target nutrients to the required ares on the farm, ensuring the efficient application of nutrients.

Yield Mapping

Yield maps enable growers to identify field areas with underlying issues to address in the following season.

The Drummonds Data Management Service creates accurate yield maps of growers’ fields for crop management.

Combine harvester transferring freshly harvested wheat to trailer for transport

Crop Health Imagery

Utilising satellite and drone imagery across the growing season, in association with tissue sampling Drummonds can assist with the development of variable rate nitrogen spreading programmes, as well as the ongoing monitoring of crop and health and disease pressures.