Lambing Season

The key focus in the run-up to lambing should be having a plan in place to minimise the level of lamb mortality within your flock. This not only increases the number of lambs born, but also reduces the time spent caring for sick or weak lambs, saving labour and cutting down on antibiotic usage.

Start by developing a solid late pregnancy nutrition plan tailored to the ewe’s litter size and expected lambing date. If you need assistance, contact your local Drummonds Representative for guidance. Getting this right ensures lambs are born at an ideal birth weight, giving them the best chance for survival. Additionally, it helps ensure the ewe has a sufficient supply of colostrum, giving her lambs a strong start in life.

The aim should be that all lambs get an adequate feed of colostrum as soon as possible after birth, ideally from the ewe herself. If necessary, stomach tubing can be used, with a recommended first feed of 5% of the lamb’s bodyweight or 50ml per kg of birthweight. Have individual pens assembled, limed and bedded before lambing is due to commence. Focus on hygiene around the lambing shed. Ideally, individual lambing pens should be cleaned out and limed after each use. Use plenty of fresh straw to provide a warm, dry environment for the lambs and create a barrier against potential infections.

Make sure to compile a list of essential lambing supplies and equipment, and stock up on these items in advance. Having everything you need on hand will help ensure a smoother lambing process and improve lamb survival.

Visit your local Drummonds branch for any supplies you require.

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